Monday, October 10, 2011

The Growing Demand for a Better Commentariat

I love this article on the OWS crowd:
The signs of dissatisfaction, disaffection and just plain discontent are everywhere in America today. The thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters, who have congregated for more than three weeks in downtown New York’s Liberty Square, and at spinoff rallies in Atlanta, Chicago, Boston and Seattle, to protest the financial sector’s mismanagement of the U.S. economy, are now joining forces with a wide array of groups — including Move¬ members, union activists, community organizing groups and ordinary disgruntled citizens nationwide.
Yes, they are now joining forces with groups that run the gamut from A to B. The writer's argument is that this opens the way for a third-party candidate. I wouldn't mind seeing a leftist alternative to Obama, ensuring his defeat, but the notion that a credible candidate could arise and actually take the White House is risible. A more pompous, overwritten defense of the OWS crowd is here:
Indeed, I’d long suspected the financial crisis, policy foibles, chronic unemployment, and general corruption of our politics would sooner or later fuel a measure of social unrest in this country as it has elsewhere. We are not immune to a deadening of hope fused with deep-seated suspicion of having been swindled via policy decisions resulting from a politics that is largely broken and denies a sense of genuine progress and possibility. Almost immediately after espying this nascent protest movement I left for a three week business trip to Asia before returning to New York only yesterday, where incidentally, I was asked on several occasions overseas about the growing movement.
It would probably help if you read that latter one as if it were being spoken aloud by Kelsey Grammer.

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