Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.Remember the McDonald's in New York City that was the only neighborhood place that would let the protestors use the bathroom without buying anything?
A Zuccotti Park protester threw a violent fit in a McDonald’s yesterday after employees refused to give him free food.As my dad used to say, "No good deed goes unpunished." These Obamavillers have gotten to the point where they feel they're entitled to anything. After all, aren't they saving the country?
Fisika Bezabeh, 27, ripped a credit-card reader from a counter and threw it at workers at about 2:30 a.m. at the Mickey D’s at 160 Broadway, a bathroom spot for protesters.
Update: More entitlement:
And on Friday, she said, a crazed squatter burst into the shop and demanded that workers fill a 10-gallon container of water.Update II: Remember when the OWS crowd got tired of sharing their spaghetti bolognese with the homeless? Well, those folks look downright generous when compared to the Obamaville Boston crowd:
When they refused, “he banged it on the ground and started yelling” and threatened the staff, she said.
“He said he was entitled to have it for free.”
Occupy Boston has been encouraging protesters to take showers, hot meals and shelter meant for the homeless, prompting a St. Francis House manager to ask the downtown campers to remove directions from their Internet newspaper.
The online publication that calls itself “Occupy Boston Globe” posts meal times and shower hours at St. Francis House on Boylston Street, which runs on private donations and state and federal funding.
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